How big is my God.

I have been challenged recently about the God I serve. Is he someone who is still created in my own image and so is much smaller than he really is. I may have an understanding of the bigness of God but do I still contain him by my tradition, routines and theology.

Meister Eckhart is recorded as saying, I pray to God to rid me of God! The minute I feel that I have a correct understanding of God then I have just contained God and reduced God to less than he is. Everything that I claim to know about God is probably more of a reflection of myself than I care to admit.
Much of my chatter and opinion about God is more likely to be a sign of my own smallness and scarcity.

Oh the need to let go of my perceptions, words and activities and to sit quietly in the presence of the Divine allowing him to slowly embrace me so that I gaze in wonder at the glory of who is within me. Oh the need to empty myself of Simon and my many words and thoughts and allow Presence to fill me.

Words from Scripture or wherever, while they may be truth, can never ever replace the knowing that can come from a spirit to spirit encounter with Almighty God. It seems to me that God always wants to bypass the mind and intellect. That was why Jesus said that a time was coming and now is when we would worship in spirit and truth. God who is spirit can only be known by spirit. Much knowledge appeals to the ego while silence and wonder cannot happen with ego in place.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that we cannot learn from Scripture and other wisdom but at best it can only make us hungry to experience God himself.

Only then can I see the unseeable and feel the touch of the One who cannot be touched. Only then can I feel the closeness of the One who dwells in unapproachable light and have an understanding of the inscrutable One.

Such is the mystery and wonder of being a child of God! Don’t let religion, church services, learning or tradition rob you of sitting in silence and knowing the unknowable!

Go on, find some space and try it! Nothing will change you more quickly into who God wants you to become.

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